Our more able curriculum
At Harold Court School we aim to develop each child to his/her full potential by providing a happy, secure, rich learning environment where children will be given every encouragement to develop intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically. We plan our teaching and learning in such a way that we enable each child to reach for the highest level of personal achievement. We use a range of strategies to identify gifted and talented children. The identification process is on-going and begins when the child joins our school.
We aim to provide opportunities for individual pupils to:
- demonstrate their full potential;
- develop individual aptitudes;
- recognise the wide range of talents and abilities.
An ‘able pupil’ will show an outstanding talent or ability exceeding national age related expectations in any of the following areas, either in isolation or in combination:
- physical ability;
- ability in expressive arts;
- general intellectual ability;
- specific academic ability;
- creative ability;
- artistic ability.
In order to achieve these aims we will provide appropriately differentiated tasks for the more able child through enrichment and extension activities allied to ongoing classroom work.
Our More Able Policy
Our More Able Pyramid of Provision
Below are some links to useful websites for parents and activities for children.
British Mensa currently has around 1,300 Mensans under the age of 18. These are full members of the society, and are offered the same range of benefits as adult members - magazines and newsletters, special interest groups and social events. Newsletters, articles and advice can be found here. |
The Children's University (CU) Trust is a charitable trust that provides 7 to 14 year olds (and 5 to 6 year olds with their families) with exciting and innovative learning activities and experiences outside normal school hours. |
Potential Plus UK is an independent charity that supports the social, emotional and learning needs of children with high learning potential of all ages and backgrounds. There is information about children and young people who have been identified as gifted and talented, as well as those that (i) have the ability to achieve; but who, for whatever reason, are not achieving their potential, (ii) those who are dual and multiple exceptional (gifted with a disability or learning difficulty) and (iii) the profoundly gifted
The Brilliant Club is an award-winning charity that exists to increase the number of pupils from under-represented backgrounds progressing to highly-selective universities.
AQUILA is A4 with 24 pages, printed on high quality paper. The magazine has no adverts, gimmicks or cartoons.
The variety of material covered over the course of a whole year’s subscription stretches well beyond the school curriculum, and some of the articles develop thinking skills that can contribute to real development and understanding.